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Calculator showing the letters NPS in the display.
How To

How to Calculate NPS (Net Promoter Score)

NPS Calculator Want to know how to calculate your NPS?  NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. It involves three steps – collecting responses, categorizing these responses, and calculating your NPS

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Calculator showing the word CHURN in the display.
How To

How to Calculate Churn Rate

Churn Rate Calculator Want to know how to calculate Churn Rate? Churn Rate is a good indicator of how successful or useful your products and services are (customers lost / initial customers) x 100 = Churn rate What is

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White card signs with different domains written on them (.biz, .com, .gov, etc) on a yellow background.
Email Marketing

How To Warm-Up An Email Domain

What is a domain warm-up? A domain or IP warm-up is where you slowly send emails from a new domain name or IP address, gradually increasing volume over time in order to establish a positive reputation. Whether you’re

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Calculator showing the letters CLV in the display.
How To

How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value

CLV Calculator Want to know how to calculate CLV? CLV is a good indicator of how valuable an account is to your company, and is vital in understanding the revenue potential from individual customers. (average revenue per customer

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Calculator showing the letters CPC in the display.
How To

How to Calculate CPC (Cost-Per-Click)

CPC Calculator Cost Per Click (CPC) allows you to gauge the effectiveness and profitability of your advertising campaign. (Cost / Clicks) = CPC What is CPC? Cost Per Click (CPC) is the amount you pay for each click

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Calculator showing the letters ROAS in the display.
How To

How to Calculate ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)

ROAS Calculator Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) allows you to gauge the effectiveness and profitability of your advertising campaign. (Revenue / Cost) = ROAS What is ROAS? Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) allows you to gauge the effectiveness

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Calculator showing the letters CTR in the display.
How To

How to Calculate CTR (Clickthrough Rate)

CTR Calculator Click-through rate (CTR) is how many people clicked on your ad (clicks) divided by the number of people who saw it (impressions), multiplied by 100. (Clicks ÷ Impressions) * 100 = CTR What is CTR? Click-Through

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