Quora’s mission is to share and grow the world’s knowledge. You can contribute to this by sharing your brand’s information through advertising on Quora. It is one of the highest quality user-generated content platforms, focusing on quality answers from professionals. This is an excellent place for you to advertise and generate traffic to your landing pages.
Install the Quora pixel and upload a list of customers to see how much of your audience is already on Quora before you start creating campaigns. Once you’ve established that you have an audience on Quora, look into questions and topics that you can target with your ad campaigns. Quora Pixel also allows you to track events and goals, optimizing your conversions.
Using their self-service platform, you can create text-based ads and target your ideal audience. Quora use a CPC model, so you only pay when your ad gets clicked on. These CPCs are 60-95% cheaper than Google, and 40-50% lower than Meta, so it can be a relatively cheap option to add to your digital marketing strategy.
Here are the Quora Ad Specs you need to get started!
Let’s look at Quora in numbers:
- Over 400 million monthly visitors
- Over 300,000 topics
- 27 million daily active users
- 30% of users are aged 25-34
- 4x higher conversions than other platforms
- Second-largest online content library (beaten only by Wikipedia)
Quora Ad Campaigns
Quora has 3 ad objectives:
- Drive more traffic
- Build brand awareness
- Boost conversions
Quora has 4 targeting options:
- Contextual targeting: Shows your ads under relevant topics, questions or keywords. Question targeting is a great way to start advertising on Quora. If you see people asking questions that your business has the answers to, start showing ads that answer them! If this doesn’t get you the reach that you want, start targeting topics instead. All Quora questions are grouped into themes, which allow you to target all of them at once. You can also target keywords if you want to get even more broad!
- Audience targeting: Shows your ads to audiences that match your contact lists, web traffic or lookalikes. You can also retarget people who have previously seen your ads, or the areas relating to your brand. You can also target an audience based on their location or device type.
- Behavioral targeting: Shows your ads to audiences based on their interests, keyword history or question history. This retargets users based on keywords or questions they’ve viewed before, as well as targeting new users with specific interests.
- Broad targeting: Shows your ads across Quora to maximize impressions. Quora can also automatically determine the best targeting configuration to optimize your performance.
Quora Ad Specs
Quora Text Ads
Text ads blend in to Quora’s question and answer style content. They simply contain words, so with the right message, you can tell people about your brand, products and services effectively and directly.
Quora Text Ad Specs
- Business name: 40 characters max
- Headline: 65 characters max – make it short and catchy
- Body text: 105 characters max
- Display URL: 30 characters max
Quora Image Ads
Quora Image Ad Specs
- Headline: 65 characters max
- Body text: 105 characters max
- Image type: PNG, JPG
- Aspect ratio: 16:9 to 4:5
- Dimensions: 600×335 (580px minimum)
- Logo: PNG, JPG, 500×500 px
- Choose from 16 available CTAs
Quora Video Ads
Quora Video Ad Specs
- Duration: 3-60 seconds
- Format: MOV or MP4
- Aspect ratio: 16:9
- Resolution: 1280×720
- Size: 70MB max
- Headline: 65 characters max
- Description: 105 characters max
- Business name: 40 characters max
- Logo: PNG or JPG, 500×500 px
Quora Promoted Answers
Quora Promoted Answer Ad Specs
- Body text: 200 characters minimum (Quora recommend 200-600 words)
- Business name: 40 characters max
- Logo: PNG or JPG, 500×500 px
Quora Lead Generation Forms
Quora Lead Generation Forms Ad Specs
- Headline: 65 characters max
- Contact fields: First and Last name, Email, Business email and Phone Number
- Employment fields: Job title, Company name and Company size
- Location fields: City, State, Zip Code and Country
- Confirmation message: 65 characters max
- Logo: PNG or JPG, 500×500 px
Quora Digest
Why Quora Ads?
Quora is a diverse platform, attracting people seeking knowledge about anything and everything.
With over 400 million monthly visitors, the potential for reach is immense. This audience is actively engaged, participating by asking questions and providing answers, making your ad more likely to be noticed and clicked on.
It is still much less saturated than the popular online advertising sites like Google and Facebook, giving your brand an opportunity to stand out, and resulting in up to 4x higher conversions.
By targeting your ideal audience by topic and interest, your ads can reach the right people and increase the chances of engagement.
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